日本海軍 三菱 A6M2 零式艦上戦闘機21型 「赤城」航空隊機(1/48 ハセガワ)
IJN aircraftcarrier fighter plane A6M2 Type 0 mode21 "ZEKE" IJN Akagi,s team(Hasegawa 1/48)




送信者 model

左の写真はハワイの真珠湾攻撃博物館のDavid Aikenさん(3枚目の白黒写真、一番左の方) が提供してくださいました実際の機体の写真で、 実機は真珠湾攻撃第一波攻撃隊に参加、おそらく高角砲によって撃墜され(航空機 による撃墜は翔鶴機一機のみ)ました。
カメハメハ基地に墜落した機体はその直後から基地の兵士がむらがって記念品あさりをしていますが、 パイロットは後に丁重に埋葬されたそうです(一番上の写真の、地面が濡れているのは漏れた燃料 のせいだそうです)。
尚、実機のカラー写真は現在上野の国立科学博物館にあるものですが、これは現地で改造を 受けたものなのでそのまま資料にするのはちょっとたいへんですが、ディティールの参考には なりました。
Zerofighter is one of most known aircraft of WW2, and type 21 was expecaly known ,because it had been on service on its early stage.
This "AI-154" belongs to IJN aircraft carrier AKAGI, and this plane had been shot down by anti-aircraft gunfire during Pearl harbor attack.
"AI" is mumber for Akagi, and 1 red does also mean same.
Picture on left is presented by David aiken, director of Perlharbor history museum.
As only one Zero(belonging Shokaku) had been shot down by US plane, this AI154 seems to have been shot down by ground gunfire.
The plane fell donw to Kamehameha base, and it had been invested to get infomation about this unknown (report had already being given from china) plane.
The color picture is Zero on Tokyo,s National science musems, but this plane is irregular.
It had been found at seabed nearby Raboul, and this plane has 2 seats and many original parts.
It flew off from Rabouls on 1944, and fell down to sea due to engine toruble( Pilots had succeed to escape).
If you wanted to know more, plase look at David Aikens artcle on MARU magazine, feb.2006.

 キットはハセガワ製で、タミヤ製とくらべて筋掘りを彫りなおす必要がほとん どありませんでした(合わせ目消したのは翼端とタンクくらい)。
コックピット内は学研の本を参考に塗装。椅子には肉抜き穴をしてからファインモールド製 エッチングのシートベルトを追加。照準器のレチクルはファインモールドのエッチングを使用。
7,7mm機銃は、0.3mm径の真鍮パイプ製です。機銃まわりのすすとシャドーは パステルで行いました。

I referred to a book published from Gakken.
This model is based on Hasegawa,s kit.

equipments are painted in original color.
targetting device and seat belt are made of photo-etched parts from FINEMOLD.
holes to make it light are done on seat.
7.7mm machineguns are made of 03mm brass pipe.
Engine cowl is removable, and engine plug code is attached on engine.
Piton-tube is made of brass line and pipe.
Break-pipes made of brass line are add on landing gear.
I carve panel lines with knife.
Shadow is painted by pastel, using only brush.
Cockpit cover is removable too.
type98 targetting deevice is remodeled by FINEMOLS,s photo-etched parts and transparent plastic plate.
As all Zeros joined on Hawaiian campagn was almost new, damage expression are little.